A popular sport within the industry, constantly progressing with more and more people showing interest in the highly competitive sport of bodybuilding. A dedicated mindset has to be applied when competing at a advanced level, this ensures a more practical approach when sculpturing the best physique possible. We have researched our top male bodybuilders in Merseyside that show character and determination on a daily basis.

Ben is a young aspiring bodybuilder eager to learn as much a possible to help apply his knowledge long term to the industry. Previously graduated in Sports science from Liverpool John Moores University, Ben is currently studying a masters degree in Exercise Physiology. With a desire to enhance his knowledge further in training and the mindset, Ben incorporates this into his own style of training to ensure the correct tension is being applied daily. In addition to this, Ben applies his nutrition knowledge very carefully to help adjust his calorific intake based off what his short/longterm goals are. This is a very important feature for bodybuilding as consistency is very key.
Ben trains in a variety of gyms across the country, allowing him to experience different equipment, environments and atmospheres. This is a fantastic alternative to limiting yourself to one gym that may only feature basic styles of equipment. Ben believes in applying adequate stress in every session, which enables the body to adapt whether that is a certain weight on a bar or style of training. A perfect feature to keep the body guessing from different angle variations on muscle groups. If you are eager to learn more from Ben and how the body works from an exercise physiology point of view, we highly recommend checking Bens social media platform out below.
Instagram – B.stan97

Craig is a committed bodybuilder who trains out of Body Tech Fitness on the Wirral. A fantastic facility for many bodybuilders who want access to high quality equipment for their training needs. Craig has competed at a high level of bodybuilding in many federations which has helped develop his career from a bodybuilding perspective. A consistent trainer in the gym and out, with a plan to be a successful bodybuilder in the near future. In addition to this, Craig helps apply his knowledge to many gym enthusiasts looking for guidance and advice. A brilliant attribute to have by helping many around him develop their own physique and knowledge.
Craig has developed a very well rounded physique from many years of consistent training. From his social media platform he has performed many heavy lifts, delivered daily motivational quotes and lifestyle updates. An ambition to keep growing in all the right areas, it is exciting to see how Craig will develop over the next couple of years, with the right people and team around him. An advocate for staying in good shape all year round whilst applying lean muscle tissue on his bodybuilding journey. We highly recommend checking Craig’s social media platform out below for daily motivation and videos.
Instagram – Craigmortonfitness
Gym – Bodytechgym

Jonny excels out of Dedicated Fitness XL where he combines his training and knowledge to ensure his performances don’t go unnoticed. A fantastic facility providing all Watson Strength Equipment of the highest standard. A heavy lifting bodybuilder who delivers incredible lifts on squats, deadlifts and bench press in the gym. This has developed Jonny as a person, but also his career has benefited a lot from bodybuilding due to his work ethic.
Jonny is also sponsored by a supplement company called Protein Bargain that provide him with his monthly supplements to help aid in recovery and muscle growth. Jonny not only trains at high intensity but also in a controlled manor ensuring adequate stress is applied in every session from various forms of training. With a hard-working community in Dedicated Fitness XL, this has helped Jonny develop his physique with the correct people around him. He aims to compete very soon in a bodybuilding competition, whilst currently maintaining very good shape prior to the start of the dieting phase. Jonny provides motivation and inspiration to all trainers around him looking to exceed in certain lifts or develop themselves physically and mentally. Heres a link to Jonny’s social media platform below if you are wanting to check out some of Jonny’s lifts and seeking inspiration.
Instagram – Jonny.mc
Gym – Dedicatedfitnessgymxl
Matt Shippen

Matt trains out of Dedicated Fitness XL and is renowned as a very hard trainer within the gym and local area. As a gym athlete for Dedicated Fitness XL, Matt utilises his training methods for video content helping individuals develop their own personal training. Incorporating his knowledge on strength & conditioning into his training regime, Matt has developed a unique style of training in relation to hypertrophy work and tension on the muscle groups. Matt is a sponsored athlete for Applied Nutrition, a popular sports supplement company based in Liverpool, delivering high quality products at a brilliant price.
A very big figure in and out of gym, Matt provides consistent content on his own social media from training videos to dietary advice. This caters to many individuals wanting to reach their own desirable goals. Year round, Matt stays in very lean condition allowing him to utilise his calories more efficiently on daily consumption. Combining both knowledge and presence, Matt strives to encourage others around him by helping develop techniques, assisting in weight training and daily guidance within the gym. A brilliant asset to bodybuilding and the industry, we highly recommend checking out Matt’s social media below for daily motivation.
Instagram – Matt_shippen
Gym – Dedicatedfitnessgymxl
Supplement sponsors – Appliednutrition.uk
Nathan De Asha

Nathan is a professional IFBB bodybuilder who competes in major competitions such as The Olympia. Nathan has developed over the years a fantastic balanced physique through hard work and determination. He has built a unique gym facility called The Prophecy Performance Centre which is situated in Liverpool. This high quality gym caters to many bodybuilding enthusiasts across the country both locally and nationally. With more people wanting to try out the brilliant facility which features Arsenal Strength Equipment. These are equipment leading specialists that have created many types of machinery suited to advanced trainers. In addition to this, Nathan trains with a high intensity all year around ensuring he is in top condition prior to bodybuilding competitions.
A big bodybuilding figure in his home city of Liverpool, Nathan Provides his knowledge and experience over the years of training and competing, to help give back to the community. A presence and style of training can help inspire many individuals looking to increase muscle tissue, lose weight or just increase general fitness. Nathan delivers this daily from his social media platforms which have a very popular following, with many taking up bodybuilding and fitness due to his achievements and consistency. We have big hopes for Nathan in the near future to achieve the Mr Olympia title. We highly recommend checking out Nathans profile below for daily motivation, tips and training videos.
Instagram – Nathandeasha
Instagram – Prophecyperformancecentre
Sam Gelling

Sam is a very hardworking bodybuilder with the desire to achieve on the the bodybuilding stage. Having competed in many federations and categories in bodybuilding, Sam has had the experience to compete at a competitive level. In addition to that, Sam trains at Body Tech Gym on the Wirral which he believes has everything a bodybuilder needs to grow.
Sam has spent the last couple of years working on bringing the best possible physique to the bodybuilding stage, year on year Sam has contributed to muscle growth in all the right areas allowing him to really fill out and perfect his physique. Consistent content is posted daily on his social media account, updating his followers on his current physique and training regime. A fantastic feature for both himself and followers for them to stay up to date and also learn from the varied content uploaded. Whilst in the process of growing, Sam has been involved in some heavy lifts which is exciting to see as to how hard there body can be pushed on restricted calories. We highly recommend checking out Sams social media platform below and staying up to date with daily content.
Instagram – Samgellopt
Instagram – Bodytechgym
Sam Johnson

An up and coming aspiring bodybuilder, Sam has the training intensity, knowledge and commitment to achieve as a successful bodybuilder. Training out of Body Tech Gym on the Wirral, Sam schedules his training very well to help alongside other commitments. Seeking inspiration from professional bodybuilders, Sam has increased his understanding of training over the years and now implements this into his working routine which fits very well for himself.
Sam is in the process of fine tuning his physique to compete this year. With the correct guidance and procedures in place, he plans to enter his first bodybuilding competition with high hopes of succeeding. Sam is a very friendly face down in his home gym, helping people fine tune their own training if they are in need. Providing that professional care is a fantastic attribute to have. Sam is looking to share with his followers daily video content in the near future to share with people his own individual journey as he leads into his bodybuilding competition in months to come. To stay up to date with Sam’s journey, check out his social media account below.
Instagram – Samjohnson202
Instagram – Bodytechgym
Tyler Cooke

Tyler is a renowned bodybuilder from merseyside with high expectations to achieve a great status in the bodybuilding industry. With years of hard work and determination to sculpture a fantastic physique, Tyler has experienced what it takes to train at a high intensity whilst being very disciplined in the process. He provides daily content on his social media platform outlining key information in the industry at present, furthermore discussing with his followers training tips and dietary advice.
With a successful Instagram following, many fitness enthusiasts look up to Tyler from an idol perspective. Training in a variety of different gyms across merseyside for the last couple of years. Tyler has not long opened his own gym recently, this is called Elite Strength and Performance. A brilliant facility catering to just 100 members with high quality Arsenal Strength equipment. Having access to this equipment ensures members of the gym, experience how different variations of equipment can impact their training in a positive manor. For any future advice or guidance from Tyler, we highly recommend checking out his social media platform below. In addition to that, check out his brand new gym.
Instagram – Tylercookezilla
Gym – Elitestrperf
Karl Fleming

Karl provides a level of experience when it comes to training and what works best for him. In recent years, working himself up to 21 stone in bodyweight, training twice a day, 6 days a week. Karl has developed a very well balanced physique over the years of training, which has benefited him physically and mentally. In addition to that, providing daily content to help motivate many who follow him. Karl trains regularly out of Merseyside’s top rated gyms that vary from, Pure Gym Brunswick, Dedicated Fitness XL Gym and Body-Tech Gym. This has aided in Karls physique development, ensuring he has access to the best possible training equipment.
Having recently just competed in the NABBA North West bodybuilding competition and placing 1st place, this has motivated Karl to adapt his physique even further. With the right people around him, Karl is in a very good place to push on from this victory, develop his physique even further and compete professionally one day. We highly recommend checking out Karl’s social media platform out below to stay up to date with his bodybuilding career.
Instagram – Karlf1988
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Jordan Fleet joins the team to help simplify complex topics ranging from training, nutrition, supplements and many more. With a trade in mechanical engineering and one more year remaining on completing his sports nutrition and health degree at Liverpool John Moores University. Jordan will provide a better insight into different areas of fitness in the hope to provide the best quality service/information he can offer.
An advocate for training with a strong mindset, nutrition balancing and enjoying life. Find him in the nearest gym or many coffee shops.
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