Here at LivFitMag, one of our goals is to recognise talent across Merseyside. What people can offer the community to help change them and encourage those individuals to achieve their goals. We have scouted around Merseyside for what we believe are the top rated male personal trainers of the month that have stood out in numerous ways.
Here we will delve into more detail to what makes these personal trainers stand out, and what value they bring to the fitness industry. In addition to that, their training facilities, background information and what service they can offer you.
We recommend getting a pen and some paper, as there is a lot of detail to take note if you are looking for your next personal trainer based in Merseyside. Here is a list of our top rated male personal trainers of the month listed below in no particular order.

Christos offers a unique approach when training his clients. His tailored programmes are structured around what the individual’s goals are, whether that be losing weight, or gaining muscle. Having an extensive background in training and nutrition knowledge, Christos has gained a reputation for pushing clients to reach their goals quickly and efficiently. Utilising his own experience of nutrition and training across the years as a personal trainer, has helped Christos progress as an accountable personal trainer who strives for client results daily.
Currently, Christos trains clients in Total Fitness Prenton where he has access to a lot of gym equipment available for his clients that are members of the gym. Not to mention a 25-meter pool for you to cool off after a long hard session. In addition to his personal training, Christos offers an online coaching option for individuals unable to train with Christos. The benefits of online coaching for some, can be a major benefit for those individuals who may struggle to find time to book in for personal training sessions. This includes an accountable coach, tailoring a programme for you to help achieve your goals. Christos is very active on his social media platforms, delivering daily information and training videos to all of his followers. We highly recommend checking out Christos’s social media account out below for further details and information.

Jordan is a hardworking personal trainer offering much more than just personal training. With use of social media and his own experience ranging from nutrition and training procedures. Jordan has created a foundation for his clients who want to achieve big goals. Having that experience from dieting phases to gaining lean muscle, is critical when applying that knowledge and guidance to individuals seeking motivation and professional support. In addition to that service, Jordan promotes many tips and tricks daily on his social media account covering all topics, ranging from supplementation, training techniques and macronutrients.
Jordan currently trains at Wirralpt in his own private studio, altogether there are 3 studios across the Wirral offering the same professional service in different locations. The reason being, the personal trainers across the 3 studios can offer their service to more clients. A great incentive if you are an individual wanting to be trained in a private setting. Offering online coaching as-well as his personal training, Jordan has built a respectable reputation from his years of competing on a bodybuilding stage and going through a long diet preparation prior to his competition. We highly recommend checking out Jordan’s social media account out below for daily tips, motivation and guidance, or any information regarding personal training or online coaching.

A popular contender for our top rated male personal trainers of the month. Joe specialises in weight-loss management but also helping boost confidence in many of his clients. Joe is currently training his clients in the heart of Liverpool at The Lab Liverpool which is a private studio delivery a quality service to many individuals with fitness goals. Having been a personal trainer for 8 years now, Joe has experienced many challenges. Many of these challenges has resulted in clients coming out more motivated, inspired and confident in their fitness abilities.
In addition to his personal training, Joe utilises his social media account as an educational platform for many individuals. Offering podcasts ranging from dietary needs and training techniques to informative slideshows, Joe has developed a successful platform to the many seeking advice and guidance. A great thing about Joe is his accountability and desire to push clients further than they have ever been from a fitness standpoint, remaining professional throughout the training process. We highly recommend checking Joes social media platform out below for any further details and information training, nutrition and personal training.
Maziar Ajtar

Maziar is another highly regarded personal trainer training clients in a variety of facilities across Liverpool to cater for their needs. A firm believer of consistency throughout training days and nutrition consumption, Maziar incorporates an informative approach, sharing lifestyle advice on how individuals can remain healthy both physically and mentally. In addition to his informative approach, Maziar has developed his personal training career even more from his background as a nutritionist. Maziar has also studied a BSc degree in sports and exercise science / psychology at Liverpool John Moores University. As a personal trainer, Maziar applies this knowledge in training his clients which is a great feature for his business.
Maziar has also created his own podcasts that deliver information to all of his viewers. A route many highly rated personal trainers are eager to go down to share as much information as possible to many individuals. In addition, Maziar has created a platform through his website were individuals can purchase meal plans tailored to their needs. We highly recommend checking out Maziar’s social media account out below for further information regarding personal training.

With an experienced background in helping individuals develop the best physique possible. Harry trains many of his clients with the determination to get them in the best shape, whether that be a holiday in less than 6 weeks, long-term fitness progression or confidence-boosting. Harry has the knowledge and experience to help aid you in your fitness journey. Training in many gyms across Merseyside, with a big clientele, Harry has developed a reputation for as one of the most hardworking personal trainers, who devotes a lot of time to his clients. In addition to that, focusing on their psychological wellbeing, ensuring that they are mentally prepared for the hard work.
Harry also takes advantage of his Instagram which is used as a fitness account, but also a way of sharing many of his client’s fast results that are very motivating to the eye. A respected many in many ways with a reputation of brilliant results, we highly recommend getting in touch with Harry for any further enquiries into the many services he offers as a personal trainer.

Chris has developed a unique personal training business platform catered towards sharing as much information with his clients as possible. The incentive for this is being able to check-in with Chris daily with his very own fitness app, additionally, the app provides a level of detail like no other. This allows clients to experience Chris’s calorie calculator, blogs that share many tips and tricks on nutrition and training but also recovery, key exercises for older adults sharing daily movements and stretches to stay mobile and flexible, and of course online training. Having this extensive background of resources and constantly eager to learn and develop new skills has made Chris one of the most renowned personal trainers in Merseyside with clients ranging across the North West.
Having competed in a bodybuilding competition, Chris has experienced what it takes to get in the best shape possible, with the desire to constantly keep learning an improving. Having recently just completed his Level 4 lower back pain which is a big issue among many individuals, is a great addition he incorporates into many of his client’s programmes consisting of daily stretches and mobility work etc. We highly recommend checking out Chris’s social media account out below for daily motivation, tips and dietary advice. Feel free to drop Chris a message.

Tom is a very experienced personal trainer and online coach, training clients out of his own fitness studio Tom Routly Health and Fitness. A known figure on the Wirral, Tom has helped many individuals structure their training, nutrition and mental wellbeing to ensure a level of determination and focus is applied throughout. Applying this high standard throughout his training programme, provides clients with the resources and accountability for them to stay on track and reach their goals quickly and efficiently. Having his own private studio allows Tom to focus on each individual on their set programmes, a great incentive for individuals who prefer to train in a private setting.
In addition to Tom’s personal training and online coaching options, he also shares daily content ranging from nutrition, stretches, training and lifestyle. A great addition for many seeking balances and a little inspiration. Tom has trained many individuals over the years from bodybuilding competitors, bikini competitors, general fitness and more. Having this broad background of achievements has helped him to build up the reputation he has today. We highly recommend checking out Toms social media platform out below for further information or enquiries.

Aaron offers excitement in the Liverpool area, a determined personal trainer with the right attitude to help individuals reach their goals. Training clients in The Gym Group Liverpool ONE, Aaron has developed key relationships with all of his clients which refers back to bringing the right attitude and consistency to helping people. Having been on his own fitness journey, Aaron is slowly but surely developing his physique over the consistent years of training. This experience of training consistently, applying nutrition in the right areas and stages is crucial for potential clients looking for a little motivation.
Having access to The Gym Group Liverpool 1, this is a great facility and location for many students looking to get in shape for those summer holidays. Aaron is a well renowned figure in this gym due to his sheer hard-work he puts in with each one of his clients. We highly recommend keeping an eye on Aaron, for any further enquiries into his personal training offers or information, get in touch with Aaron from his social media account below.

Training across the region, Grant has experienced a fair share throughout his personal training career. In addition, Grant also owns a successful supplement brand that has done well with fitness enthusiasts. Having an extensive background in training various clients, Grant also trains celebrities which has made him a very popular trainer in his area. Not to mention, all the daily tips and information Grant shares with his followers. A great feature for all individuals looking to learn some new fitness tips and tricks.
Grant trains clients in a way that pushes the boundaries, applying his knowledge and expertise is a great feature for all potential clients looking for an accountable personal trainer who will keep you on your A game. We plan on continuing to follow Grants journey to see how much he succeeds with his clients. If you are looking for a personal trainer with the tools and desire to help push you to your limits, then we recommend checking out Grants social media account out below.

With more than 10+ years of experience as a personal trainer, Ben offers his clients a structured programme specifically tailored to their needs. We believe a good personal trainer in the industry offer their clients a platform to express what they like, how they like and what suits them best. Ben ticks all of those boxes ensuring his clients and mentally and physically ready for challenges. Having been in a serious car crash many years ago which left Ben in a coma, training was a way for him to relieve stress and assist him in rehabilitation. Ben developed a passion for training and helping others which has helped him develop his business as a successful personal trainer.
Ben also takes advantage of his Instagram platform, where he shares many health-related posts to help educate clients and followers. In addition to that, posting motivational quotes and pictures which is a refreshing feature. Ben is currently training clients at Derby Lane Gym in Liverpool where he takes advantage of the gym’s equipment and room space. For further questions and enquiries, we highly recommend checking out Bens social media account out below.
Check out our top tops for staying fit and healthy while indoors here

Jordan Fleet joins the team to help simplify complex topics ranging from training, nutrition, supplements and many more. With a trade in mechanical engineering and one more year remaining on completing his sports nutrition and health degree at Liverpool John Moores University. Jordan will provide a better insight into different areas of fitness in the hope to provide the best quality service/information he can offer.
An advocate for training with a strong mindset, nutrition balancing and enjoying life. Find him in the nearest gym or many coffee shops.