Suites Hotel & Spa has marked Energy Efficiency Day USA by pledging to add to its existing environmentally friendly offering.

With recent news stating that the British public’s concern for the environment is at an all-time high, the award-winning venue has already implemented a number of strategies to become more ecological through the hotel including in its suites, restaurant and even fitness studio.

Managing Director of Suites Hotel & Spa Lyndsay Stanistreet-Tyer said: “In recent years, we’ve noticed that our guests are increasingly aware of the environmental issues we face today, and are opting to stay at venues that are doing their bit to ‘go green’ as a priority.
“Many of those who stay with us are already adopting more energy efficient methods and we have put measures in place to support these, for example, we have EV Car Charging ports available on site for those using electric vehicles and were the first in the area to implement these. Aside from this, we actively encourage our guests to be more sustainable during their stay with us, for example, by reminding them to make sure they’re only submitting dirty laundry for cleaning to reduce our emissions and water wastage”.

Where possible, Suites Hotel & Spa also uses local food and drink suppliers such as Fabulous Pink Gin and Joe Black Coffee to cut down on travel miles and has introduced reusable water bottles and water filters to reduce wastage from plastic cups.
Lyndsay added: “We’re always looking out for new ways to go greener as we’re aware that we’ll need to continue to adapt our efforts to reduce our impact on the planet. In line with this, we recently introduced a range of smoothies as part of our Studio @ Suites Hotel offering, and we have ensured that our smoothie cups, lids and straws are all made from recyclable materials. By working with corn starch, which is a plant-based material, we can be confident in the knowledge that our waste is plastic free, practical and sustainable and will compost within 180 days. While plastic straws take between 100 and 1,000 years to break down in landfill, our PLA straws will break down in commercial food waste within twelve weeks.”

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