Offering much more than just “another app”, MyFitnessPal provides a unique service for all fitness gurus. A service keeping you consistent and accountable on your fitness journey, with a lot of detail to add. Check out all the tricks and details listed below.

What is MyFitnessPal?
An app built to shape you to the best you can be. MyFitnessPal is a popular fitness app used across the fitness industry. It allows you to input nutrition information suited to your set goals. This app not only allows you to stay on track with your diet, but also deliver key nutrition content for beginners. These vary from recipe ideas for those guilt free pleasures, to recommended training guides. In addition to the MyFitnessPal, customers are also given the option to sign up to a premium version which allows you to access more content using the service.

What content does the app offer?
A heap of content is provided for beginners which clearly states the quality and detail MyFitnessPal offers. Listed above, customers have the many options to tweak and adjust to their own individual goals, whether that be improving quality of life, increasing weight or losing weight for the summer period. The finer details are implemented when you input your personal information. That way the app will configure that information and provide you with different nutrition options.

A full page devoted for helping you strive for a healthier lifestyle. Diet hacks and training videos are accessible from the fitness app which creates a much more comfortable approach when using the service. Posted by other customers and fitness enthusiasts, this creates a friendly fitness community for all seeking the motivation to reach their goals faster. A very easy service to use when inputting nutrition information. Simply scan the label of an item, input quantity and submit.

Where do I input the information?
A page above will appear from your main homepage, simply press the big ‘plus’ icon. Information will follow and thats when you input the food quantity. Customers have the option to adjust their macronutrients to their desire, by simply going onto their profile and changing. A very clear service that will walk you through completing a meal days worth of food. As shown above, you can play around with the amount of meals you would like within that day, split them into big meals or small depending on your nutrition goals. Clicking onto ‘progress’ will take you to another page which will show you activity on the app from the past month.

Access to the premium version of the app opens many more doors. Further fitness guidance, followed by food analysis, file exports, nutrition dashboard and finally a food timestamp. Finer details to help you stay accountable and on track with this fitness goals. Why not give it a download and see how MyFitnessApp can improve your training, fitness and nutrition for the better. Available too download on both Android and Apple store for free!

Jordan Fleet joins the team to help simplify complex topics ranging from training, nutrition, supplements and many more. With a trade in mechanical engineering and one more year remaining on completing his sports nutrition and health degree at Liverpool John Moores University. Jordan will provide a better insight into different areas of fitness in the hope to provide the best quality service/information he can offer.
An advocate for training with a strong mindset, nutrition balancing and enjoying life. Find him in the nearest gym or many coffee shops.